
Serving Diverse Adults through Diverse Services

When a program or service is done in one set way and only offered in one set location, it is limited in its reach to a diverse population. Gender, race, language, culture, background, and upbringing are just a few of the many areas that set individuals apart from one another. These beautiful qualities that make adults different are the same qualities that require specific treatment approaches to ensure successful outcomes. Throughout all programs and services, WestCare works to embrace differences and address each individual uniquely.

Whether the service provided is residential treatment, shelters and housing, or education and prevention, WestCare offers many forms of gender specific programming. Services for women tend to be more effective when they offer ways to master one's own life while enhancing the quality of relationships with partners, families, and children. On the other hand, services for men are more effective when they offer ways to advance in a structured environment while focusing on rules and order. Examples of gender specific programs such as these include: Kentucky's Hal Rogers Appalachian Recovery Center for Men, California's M'Ella Program for Women and Children, and Arizona's Blossom House.

In order to reach and provide support to as many individuals as possible, WestCare understands the value in having language specific programming as well as bilingual staff.

Individualized programming must be offered in a variety of locations in order to be truly effective. WestCare provides services in both urban and rural settings from across the country to the Pacific. By offering programs in the heart of cities, WestCare is able to engage in the community and reach a larger number of people. Examples of urban programs such as these include: Georgia's Blanket Atlanta and Florida's Village South Adult Outreach. A rural setting provides a calm atmosphere for clients and reaches a population that would otherwise be underserved. Examples of programs such as these include: Kentucky's Hal Rogers Appalachian Recovery Center and The Needles Community Involvement Center in California.