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The Nevada Community Action Council Helps Start a New WCC Tradition

  • Post category:Nevada

By Andrew Moran, Development Director, WestCare Foundation

As we turn over a new leaf in 2022 and begin the new year refreshed, we would like to spotlight the amazing community volunteers that make up the WestCare Nevada Community Action Council (CAC) for sharing their holiday spirit. Last month, their members put together gift cards for 90 women at the Women and Children’s Campus (WCC) in Las Vegas so that they could go shopping and buy gifts and essentials for their families for Christmas. This time of the year is a time for sharing and giving and the women and families in our care are extremely grateful to have the opportunity to provide a gift to their loved ones.

Each year, the CAC prepares a beautiful tea party with those that we serve and our staff, but because of state regulations regarding the pandemic, that was not possible this year. Instead, they got creative and provided gingerbread house kits and the women and children at the program created their own gingerbread house masterpieces for themselves. Each kit included decorative supplies like icy and colorful candies to spruce up their houses. After this fun and creative activity, everyone on hand could enjoy the village of gingerbread houses that they created together!

The activity brought many smiles and laughter to the center and the houses turned out amazing! The entire WCC was also adorned with festive decorations and beautiful Christmas trees. Colorful lights were strung throughout the hallways and were wrapped in tinsel and holiday sparkle. The holiday cheer was felt by all and this year, we were happy to create a long-lasting tradition. On behalf of the staff at the WCC and the women and little ones that they serve, we’d like to thank the amazing members of the WestCare Nevada CAC for their generosity and kindness during the holiday season!