Since 1992, WestCare Arizona has provided a full continuum of ...
WestCare Foundation is proud to offer programs and services across the continuum of health and human services. Every doorway into a WestCare program is designed, not only to lead to solutions for the presenting issue, but, also, to be a first step toward identifying what may be other complicating and co-occurring factors impacting the life of a whole human being. WestCare creates a continuum of person-centered and trauma-informed care within each and every one of its programs that is recognized for clinical excellence, coordinated access and collaborative innovation.
The range of WestCare programs across its 17 states, Guam, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, the Republic of Palau, the Dominican Republic, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands are broad and deep. Evolving from its origins as a single therapeutic community for men addressing drug addiction, today, WestCare provides a myriad of programs for men and women, adolescents and families, and both yesterday and today’s Veterans. From outpatient and residential programs treating substance use and mental health disorders, to shelters providing services to victims of HIV/AIDS, domestic violence and homelessness, to programs within the criminal justice system, to programs interfacing with and/or incorporating primary care services, WestCare’s decades of growth has been predicated on meeting the need or filling the gap where real people need real help.
Whether you are seeking information about a specific issue, services of a specific kind, programs in a particular location, or help for a specific person, the doors of WestCare are open and we are there to welcome you.
Populations We Serve

When a program or service is done in one set way and only offered in one set location, it is limited in its reach to a diverse population. Gender, race, language, culture, background, and upbringing are just a few of the many areas that set individuals apart from one another. These beautiful qualities that make adults different are the same qualities that require specific treatment approaches to ensure successful outcomes. Throughout all programs and services, WestCare works to embrace differences and address each individual uniquely.
Whether the service provided is residential treatment, shelters and housing, or education and prevention, WestCare offers many forms of gender specific programming. Services for women tend to be more effective when they offer ways to master one’s own life while enhancing the quality of relationships with partners, families, and children. On the other hand, services for men are more effective when they offer ways to advance in a structured environment while focusing on rules and order.
In order to reach and provide support to as many individuals as possible, WestCare understands the value in having language specific programming as well as bilingual staff.
Individualized programming must be offered in a variety of locations in order to be truly effective. WestCare provides services in both urban and rural settings from across the country to the Pacific. By offering programs in the heart of cities, WestCare is able to engage in the community and reach a larger number of people.

A veteran is defined by WestCare as any individual who has served in the military for a single day. Both men and women of every age, ethnicity, culture, and background, as well as their families, are honored for their service to this country. WestCare works to provide individualized services based on the diverse needs of this population. Post traumatic stress disorder, substance abuse, joblessness, traumatic brain injury, homelessness, family dysfunction, relational problems, and depression are few of the many issues that veterans face today. WestCare understands the importance of giving back to those who have already given so much and is working across the country to provide services that address these needs and more.
According to the Department of Veteran's Affairs, an estimated 144,842 Veterans spent at least one night in an emergency shelter or transitional housing program in the recent year. No matter what the circumstances, no one who has served their country should ever find themselves living in the streets. To combat this statistic, WestCare has transitional living programs for both male and female veterans. Veteran's Plaza, a 28-bed facility for male Veterans, offers housing for up to two years and case management services for each resident. Likewise, HomeFront provides housing for female Veterans and their children, ensuring stability for families in need. For immediate assistance, WestCare provides and works with shelters that link the clients to various services after their stay.
Families serve alongside the military member in a supportive and equally important role. Admiral Michael Mullen told service members, "You couldn't be here, deploy and rest easy if things weren't going well at home and for the support that your families have given." Spouses of Veterans have faced and overcome many obstacles while their husband or wife was in the service. They were the single caretaker and support system for the family, all while worrying for the safety of their spouse. Children of Veterans lived much of their life with only one parent present, understanding that their mom or dad was away protecting this country's freedom. WestCare honors the families of those who have served and seeks to provide them supportive services to help them in times of need. On a more local level, WestCare offers programs that provide case management to veterans in efforts to connect them with services they need to help both them and their families.

A universal commonality between human beings is a basic need to belong. For many, the family unit can fulfill this need and serve as a source of support, comfort, love, and nurturing development.
WestCare acknowledges and honors that there are many different types of families. In our work, we strive to keep children safe and families together. WestCare’s commitment to uplifting families is evident in our nearly 50 years of experience offering critical programs and services to children and families across the nation.
WestCare takes a holistic approach to meeting the needs of families. Our continuum of behavioral health and human services are individualized, trauma-informed, culturally competent, and incorporate evidence-based interventions. One of the primary goals of our programming is to strengthen family bonds and support each member of the family as they grow and evolve.
Our dedicated and caring personnel are passionate about offering affirming and welcoming environments for individuals and families to thrive.
Helping children, youth, teens, adults, and families strengthen their resilience has been part of the WestCare mission and calling from the beginning.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender individuals should be treated with dignity, respect, and equality. In order to understand the unique issues facing these groups, it is important to grasp the differences between them. Although commonly combined, the LGBT community is made up of four very distinct populations. WestCare's staff is educated and trained on each group's norms and the issues they face. Because substance abuse, mental health issues, violence, and suicide tend to be higher among the LGBT population, WestCare works to ensure they receive the best support possible.
Cultural sensitivity is a part of all services WestCare provides. Within the LGBT community, this means understanding the cultures of each group and individualizing all programs and services accordingly. The type of structure that may work for a lesbian or heterosexual may not be as effective for a transgender or bisexual. WestCare realizes the importance of cultural education, and works to ensure that staff is prepared and trained for all clientele.
All WestCare clients, regardless of sexual preference, receive risk-reduction counseling. Because HIV/AIDS is statistically more common within the LGBT community, education in this area is extremely important. WestCare uses evidence-based practices to promote prevention and counsel those infected, affected, or at risk of HIV/AIDS.
Service Domains
Every WestCare program is part of a continuum of person-centered, trauma-informed care that is recognized for clinical excellence, coordinated access, and collaborative innovation.

Treatment & Rehabilitation

Mental Health & Wellness

Emergency Support

Housing Opportunities

Education & Prevention

Veteran Services

Criminal Justice

Domestic Violence
* Services vary by location
Find Your Location
For over 50 years, WestCare California has been providing an ...
Phone: (559) 251-4800
WestCare Florida, Inc. is part of the national WestCare network ...
Phone: (727) 490-6767