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Masa for the Masses

  • Post category:Nevada

By Irma Magrdichian, Director of Residential Treatment Services

I feel honored for the opportunity to share my family tradition of making tamales with our WestCare facilities. One of my most cherished childhood memories is when we stood around the assembly line sharing stories, jokes, and laughter while we taught and encouraged one another how to work as a team. Despite the decades that have passed and the generational losses that we have experienced, we still share treasured memories and tamale-making techniques that my grandmother left for us to pass along. We look forward to outdoing ourselves every year by increasing the number of tamales made and sharing our tradition with as many people as possible. It brings joy to me and my family to know that our friends, WestCare clients, coworkers, and their families enjoy what we proudly prepared in honor of our grandmother. In the 19 years that I have been married, my husband and WestCare Nevada’s Vice President of Operations, Leo Magrdichian, has also made his contribution to our tradition by mastering the masa prepping technique himself. I know that this would have made my grandmother proud. Making tamales is a long and tedious process that provides an opportunity for the preparers to bond and share a piece of their heart with those that enjoy the masterpiece.

On December 27, WestCare clients and staff came together to make over 1,200 tamales for all of the Southern Nevada facilities. It was an emotional time for many as we learned, laughed, and rejoiced together. Many ladies shared their gratitude for the opportunity to begin a new tradition with their families and experience the spirit of giving during this holiday season. We hope to continue to pass along the blessing of giving, sharing, giving thanks, and gathering for years to come. Every client in treatment on New Year’s Day enjoyed a meal that included four tamales (two pork and two cheese) and chili.