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What Recovery Means to Me

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This National Recovery Month, we’ve asked our WestCare Nevada Staff to tell us what recovery means to them. Here are what some of them had to say!

Brody Santini

“On June 13th, 2016, I decided to try a new way of life. 

After seven treatment centers, multiple relapses, and a failed suicide attempt, the pain of using became greater than the pain I felt without the substances. I decided to practice trust and faith, believing that if I followed the suggestions of others, I could have a life beyond my wildest dreams. I was told to focus on one day at a time, and if that was too much, go second by second. Seconds turned into hours; hours turned into days, which turned into months, leading to seven years of continuous sobriety. Today, I have a life beyond my wildest dreams. Recovery gives me a second chance at life every day. Recovery to me means everything as it is the only thing that cannot be taken away from me. Recovery gives me an opportunity to be the son my family deserves and be a responsible and productive member of society.  

I have not only seen this miracle occur in my life but in the lives of many clients as well. Working at WestCare allows me the opportunity to meet individuals at their lowest points in life and to watch them grow as they progress through the levels of care. This gives me a daily reminder that this miracle is possible and available to all. Recovery doesn’t just impact the individual. It creates waves that impact their families and communities. The work we do truly does “Uplift the Human Spirit.” I am beyond grateful for my recovery and the opportunity it gives me every day to be a part of the healing, growth, and change that occurs at WestCare.” – Brody Santini, Clinical Manager

David Folds

“There are not enough words in English dictionary to describe what recovery means to me. Recovery is so much more than just getting sober. It’s a sense of security and relief. When it comes to recovery, you have to understand that life takes on a whole new meaning. The things we took for granted, all the small things in our past lives, we begin to regain appreciation for those small things like dignity, integrity, or confidence. At one time, we were so insecure of the things we had done and the negative thoughts we had of ourselves, like we didn’t even matter. Thanks to recovery, those insecurities are gone. After three and a half years of being sober, recovery has become a very important aspect of my life, and I’m truly blessed to have those around me who support my recovery and the family I have built because of it.” – David Folds, Behavioral Health Tech

Jennifer Nunn

“I am new to WestCare and new to recovery. I am coming up on my two-year anniversary for being clean and sober, though there are times I still feel like that shaking, scared girl who shuffled into detox, barely able to stand. 

Today, I can stand secure and solid on the Rock on which a loving Higher Power placed me. Recovery means living life one day at a time, one prayer at a time. I am a vital part in my daughter’s life again after spending nine years apart due to my alcoholism. I am a part of my family again. I show up, even when I don’t “feel” like it. I ask for forgiveness and clean up my messes as they come because they sure do come. Recovery does not mean perfection, though sometimes I think that would be nice. I am here to learn a new way to live, starting with the thoughts I allow myself to focus on. 

Recovery is about what we do with the Gift we have been given and how we show up for others.” – Jennifer Nunn, Behavioral Health Tech

Sashia Whitmire

“I am a woman in long-term recovery from substance abuse and mental illness. I have been in recovery since May 3, 2007. When I began my journey of healing, it was difficult to unlearn the negative habits and behaviors that I was accustomed to. However, I did manage to do so, and today, I can proudly say I have recovered from active addiction. Today, I get to be a person who practices maintaining my recovery and continuation of living a life full of positive and beautiful habits and behaviors that represent me as a humble and caring human being.  

Recovery to me is priceless; when I look back and see how I was affected by the disease of addictions and mental disorders, I see just how much I have changed and how much my life has improved. If I never got to experience the gift of recovery, I wouldn’t know the joys that I know today. I wouldn’t have the self-esteem and purpose I have today. I wouldn’t be the loving, caring daughter, mother, and grandmother, or the hardworking employee, or the curious and excited student that I am today.  

Kintsugi is the Japanese art of putting broken pottery pieces back together with gold — built on the idea that in embracing flaws and imperfections, you can create an even stronger, more beautiful piece of art. Sometimes, I think of myself, my life, and my recovery as a kintsugi vase.” – Shahia Whitmire, Program Supervisor

Victor Resendez

“Recovery, to me, means liberation. Even after more than two years in my journey, recovery has been like peeling the layers of an onion, with both tears of joy and tears of sadness. It represents a courageous decision to embark on a healing journey to address the pain and the struggles that have shaped my life. Layer by layer, I have uncovered the hidden strength within myself. Every tear shed has released the built-up emotions that have held me captive for far too long. With each layer peeled away, I have discovered forgiveness – not just for others, but for myself. This newfound freedom means reclaiming my life, dreams, and sense of self. I’m now able to embrace the power to create a future filled with joy, love, and peace. Thank you for letting me share.” – Victor Resendez, Case Manager

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