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Celebrating Graduations: Markeda and Dominique

  • Post category:Wisconsin

By Felicia Williams, LST Program Director – WestCare Wisconsin

Markeda Williams, Research Assistant with the newly awarded Drug Free Coalition grant graduated from MC2 (Milwaukee Community Cyber High School) in 2017. Markeda started her journey with WestCare Wisconsin through the Careers Plus Program in 2018. When one program ended, she was fortunate to return to work with us through others grants and programs as a result of her dedication and hard work. She also worked under the Community Engagement Team, which strengthened her implementation of grassroots connections that had been made. Through the Resiliency in Communities After Stress and Trauma (ReCAST MKE) grant, she eventually became the supervisor of the EARN & LEARN Summer Youth Employment Program made possible through Employ Milwaukee. During her time, she has been awarded with different positions, which has given her an opportunity to better serve her community.

Dominique Williams graduated from Pulaski High School in 2013. Dominique first started off at WestCare by volunteering through our E.A.T.S Food Pantry. “Being able to show how dedicated I was to WestCare, I earned summer employment through the ReCAST program assisting with serving older adults by cutting grass or cleaning around their homes with them for their safety,” said Dominique. Through hard work, and when the opportunity presented itself, he became the first Food Pantry Coordinator for WCWI. “Because WestCare Wisconsin has been fortunate with favor from our community, I am now the Prevention Specialist, under the Cream City Credible Messenger Grant with Milwaukee County,” added Dominique.