By Elgin Lofton, Case Manager, Connections
On August 20th, Connections Fatherhood F.I.R.E. (Family-focused, Interconnected, Resilient and Essential) celebrated its second graduation with an evening of recognition for these men who dared themselves to seek the knowledge to be the best fathers that they could be while understanding that every encounter in life moving forward will be all about relationships.
During this eight-week program, we saw these men three times a week in class, taught four different aspects of relationships, spent weekly one-on-one time together, and assisted many in acquiring their Nevada IDs and birth certificates as they prepare to leave Harris Springs Ranch and enter the work-field.
This day was all about the Connections staff letting each graduate know how much we appreciate their efforts in starting and completing the program.
The evening began with our Program Supervisor, Mar-cha Bell providing positive sentiments to the graduating class. Up next, I was joined by my fellow Case Manager, Yvonne Hoover, as we individually introduced our caseloads of graduates and shared encouragement with them as they walked up to receive their certificates. A personal highlight of the evening was after the graduation ceremony had concluded, one of the graduates came to me and said, “Mr. Elgin, I am proud of myself because this was the first time that I have ever graduated from anything.”