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Creating Something Beautiful Together

  • Post category:Nevada

Everything takes a village, and we at WestCare Nevada know that to be true. Recently, through a culmination of efforts from our community and supporters, our Women and Children’s Campus’ Healthy Family Program’s all-house meeting room underwent a beautification! This meeting room is used by our staff and clients during their recovery journey, and we are so grateful to be given the opportunity to enhance it and give our clients an inspirational space.

This project first began with a $15,000 donation from PlayStudios. From there, community leaders Jeneva Bell, founder and CEO of Ruggable, and interior designer, Leslie Parraguirre from Leslie Parraguirre Interior Artistry, volunteered their time and skills to create a vision for the revitalized space. Leslie specifically designed and completed this project for us pro bono, while Machabee Office Environments also provided discounted furnishings for the space.

Alongside the enthusiastic assistance from our WestCare Nevada Community Action Council (CAC) and WestCare staff, the beautification of this meaningful room could not have been possible without everyone coming together! On behalf of our CAC, WestCare Nevada, and the women and children that they are so proud to serve – thank you to our amazing community partners for making this project a reality for those in our care!

Before Photos

After Photos

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