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It’s a Caribbean Christmas! 

By Shelisa Allen, Administrative Assistant, WestCare Virgin Islands 

In the Virgin Islands, we ended 2021 with a bang! Regional Director, Marsha Taylor, hosted our annual Christmas party to welcome new staff to our ever-growing family and thank our employees for their continued hard work. To top off the Christmas season, we celebrated our clients and their families with our annual Christmas program that was hosted by our Treatment Director, Petra Auguste. In an intimate gathering, clients expressed their gratitude for the treatment services provided, spread the holiday joy by singing Christmas carols, and feasted on an untraditional meal of vegetable lo mein, fried rice, and a range of side dishes. As staff, we indulged in the tradition of sharing gifts presented by our Secret Santas. We added our very own personal touch as “Santa’s Little Helpers,” which added a bit of our personality/ character that we are known for around the office. Joined in unity, the VI team continues to Uplift the Human Spirit this holiday season!