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Las Vegas Rotary Club Celebrates Centennial Anniversary 

  • Post category:Nevada

The Las Vegas Rotary Club had a wonderful Celebration at the Historic 5th Street school in Downtown as they honored their 100th year of service to the Las Vegas community on April 1, 2023. In attendance from WestCare to join the celebration were:

  • Andrew Moran (Development Director, WC Foundation) and his wife Yolanda Moran
  • Leo Magridichian (Vice President, WC Nevada)
  • Irma Magridichian (Director of Residential Services, WC Nevada)
  • Dr. Jason Engle (Chief Clinician Officer, WC Foundation) and his wife Leah Engle
  • Josh Lopez (Vice President of Insurance, WC Foundation) and his wife Naila Martinez
  • Community Action Council members Russel Swain and Kirk Holmes

Four years ago, WestCare was the first corporate member in the Rotary Club’s long history, and we were honored then as we are honored now to be part of this organization’s history, present, and future. On this evening celebration, we enjoyed dinner and laughs and great company. It was an amazing time full of networking and comradery. The 37th Lieutenant Governor of Nevada Stavros Anthony was a speaker as well as best-selling author Jack Sheehan who wrote books like Forgotten Man and Quiet Kingmaker.    

The centennial anniversary celebrated their many years of civic and community service that has supported thousands of organizations in Las Vegas. Since its inception, thousands of local Rotarians have combined efforts to improve the local community and advancing the lives of those in need and those most vulnerable. As one of the only organizations that is supported solely through voluntary contributions from its members and partners, it has contributed millions of dollars in donations and service hours to the Las Vegas Valley and beyond. Learn more about them here:

Article written by Andrew Moran, Development Director, WestCare Foundation

Learn more about WestCare Nevada HERE.
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