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Movie Night Under the Stars in the Mountains 

  • Post category:Nevada

On July 28, Harris Springs Ranch (HSR) hosted a movie night under the stars for the men in our residential program. Throughout the week leading up to the event, the men could complete extra chores to obtain “WestCare bucks” to exchange for various snacks during the movie night. HSR staff had freshly popped popcorn, candy, soda, and ice cream available for our clients to exchange with their WestCare bucks! The night was filled with joy and laughter as the men came together to enjoy some of the simple pleasures of sobriety.  

An exceptional thanks to our Director of Residential Services, Irma Magrdichian; our Transitional and VA Programs Coordinator, Rhonda Davisson-Rhames; and our Vice President, Leo Magrdichian, for helping set up the event, running the concession stand, and setting up the projector and screen. This event couldn’t have been possible without them and all their hard work!  

Here is what some of the clients had to say about this event: 

“I loved it. It was a great movie and everyone got along. It couldn’t have been any better.” – Steven D. 

“I enjoyed the experience. It was fun to get the WestCare bucks and it was great for morale.” – Corey D. 

“I really enjoyed it because it was a change from the norm. There was great comradery at the camp – both leading up to the event and after. The candy was great as well.” – Isaac S. 

“It was a very enjoyable time. It was great to see everyone come together.” – Vincent M.

Learn more about WestCare Nevada HERE.
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