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On Your MARK, Get Set…

  • Post category:Kentucky

By Jeremie Delauder, MAT Research Assistant, WestCare Kentucky 

From May 25 through August 17, WestCare Kentucky’s Judi Patton Center for Healthy Families (JPCHF) has participated in a pilot community art/health program through the University of Kentucky.

The MARK (Mind.Art.Recovery.KY) program uses art journaling to increase wellness and reduce stigma for those affected by Substance Use Disorders (SUD) by building skills that promote personal growth and strengthened relationships over six sequential 2.5-hour lessons.

Some objectives of art journaling include:

  • Establishing healthy routines
  • Integrating many art styles/media
  • Providing an outlet for creative expression
  • Building literacy, critical thinking, planning, and reflection

The MARK pilot program was made available through the Arts Extension of the University of Kentucky’s College of Agriculture, Food and Environment’s Cooperative Extension Service.