By Emily Selby, Case Manager/BHT, WestCare Arizona
WestCare Arizona’s Hildy’s House residential treatment program is growing in full force! Being creative and innovative to guide our women in recovery is always at the forefront. When a client arrives at the facility, they are often broken and have lost much of their self-esteem, self-worth, and confidence. Upon arrival, one of the many steps with the intake process is giving the client a seed and a planter. They are asked to decorate the planter any way that they prefer and help is given to plant the seed. The seed and planter are the first step in their recovery and represent our women served and the start of their new life. During their time with us, they will water and care for the seed, just as they will care for themselves. As the seed sprouts and begins to blossom and grow, it is a reminder of themselves and the progress that they are making.
As we know, for a seed to blossom into a plant, it takes time, nurturing, and care. The seed matures into a plant, which at some point, may need to be transferred into a bigger pot. This is exciting as it creates a sense of accomplishment and reflects on their own path in recovery. Each week, discussion occurs regarding the seed and the meaning as they reflect on themselves and their growth. The plant becomes a keepsake, which travels with them when they move on from Hildy’s House and is meant to remind them that growth continues after their treatment. We are hopeful that they will remember where they started and just how far they have come. We are grateful to be a part of planting the seed to a beautiful future!
As the seed sprouts and begins to blossom and grow, it is a reminder of themselves and the progress that they are making.
In the spirit of celebrating growth and positive change, we’d like to share a very special poem about the process by our amazing Mary!
“Seeds of Life”
A poem by Mary H, Client, Hildy’s House

Hildy’s is here
And a place I call home
They took me in
When I was lost and alone
This is the place
That I chose to be
Hoping to grow
And see what they see
That I’m no throw away person
And dreams can be real
That pain doesn’t last
And its okay to feel
So I planted a flower
To watch day by day
And to witness such magic
Just blew me away
As each day blossoms
And the sun reaches high
I know that one day
I’ll touch the sky
So, thank you to WestCare
For a new seed of life
For helping me become
A better mother, sister,
friend, aunt and wife