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Reentry Efforts at the Hal Rogers Appalachian Recovery Center

  • Post category:Kentucky

By Gary Compton, Program Director

WestCare Kentucky’s Hal Rogers Appalachian Recovery Center in Ashcamp, KY provides reentry resources for our residents during and after their stay. During the final week of January, we hosted several community partners to provide linkage to services and education for residents who were returning to the community.

On Jan. 30, Department of Corrections Employment Administrator, Dana Taylor, presented to 39 halfway-house residents and staff. She discussed employment opportunities within and outside of the service region. Dana informed them of opportunities for local employment with accompanying transportation provided by the Commonwealth of Kentucky’s Reentry Branch. Residents with job placements will be provided with no-cost transportation for the first two weeks of their employment and half-cost transportation afterwards. Dana has made a commitment to continue monthly service for our residents.

On Jan. 31, Rural Community Opioid Response Program (RCORP) Program Director, Justin Kerr and his staff, Cheyenne Price, Lynn Bradford, and Kelly Carlisle, presented to 39 residents and staff. Justin and his staff conducted a Discharge Education class that focused on preparation for community reintegration and the challenges that residents may face.

On Feb. 1, our Hal Rogers program partnered with the Kentucky Department of Corrections Reentry Coordinator, Matt Goble, to provide reentry resource manuals to residents upon discharge. Residents leaving our program will now be provided the most recent and up-to-date resource services information specific to the areas that they will be living in.

On Feb. 2, Mountain Comprehensive Care staff, Regina Gearheart, Samantha Osborne, Matthew Fields, and Jordan Justice conducted intake interviews with residents for fatherhood classes. These classes focus on interpersonal communication and familial relationships. Fifteen residents were selected to participate in the classes, which began on Feb. 7 and will be taught two days a week over the course of five weeks for a total of 30 hours. Each resident will receive a $150 gift card upon completion.

Hal Rogers Appalachian Recovery Center Counselor, Matthew Gross, stated, “I think that this week, residents were provided with great opportunities for help upon discharge.”

It was truly great to see everyone come together during this time and work to help prepare our residents for return to their communities.