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The 2022 Fresno Madera Homeless PIT Count

  • Post category:California

By Michael Mygind, Director of Marketing

WestCare California staff on behalf of Housing Services, San Joaquin Valley Veterans (SJVV), The Living Room, BEAT, leadership, and marketing joined over two hundred volunteers in this year’s homeless Point-In-Time Count presented by the Fresno Madera Continuum of Care (FMCoC). Over the course of the three-day event, volunteers tallied and surveyed individuals experiencing homelessness in Fresno and Madera Counties to provide the collected information to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and show the need for more services in our community geared towards ending homelessness among Veterans, families, and the chronically homeless. We’d like to thank our staff who put in long nights to meet and speak with our brothers and sisters on the streets as well as those on our team who played a part in organizing this crucial event!