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The Key Brings Faith, Food, and Fellowship to the Second Chance Recovery House

  • Post category:Tennessee

By Renee Salyers, Regional Administrator

Todd Adkins and other members of the Avenue Church and their Key Jail Outreach volunteer group brought a Thanksgiving meal to the Second Chance Recovery House along with worship leaders. The Key’s outreach is geared towards reaching inmates and their families on a voluntary basis with the love and hope of Jesus.

Matthew 16:19 – “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

Commenting on their service to their community, Adkins said, “We are a diverse team of people that all have a past. We are not perfect, but we are overcomers that carry the culture of Jesus. We have been given authority to bind strongholds, addictions, and generational curses with the key. The Key is Jesus and He is the One that will loose freedom in the lives of many we encounter.”

It was great fun, food and fellowship.