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The Sean Higgins Wellness Area Becomes a Reality at the WCC

  • Post category:Nevada

By Andrew Moran, Development Director

It is with great pleasure that I get to share the generosity of an amazing family and their heartfelt donation to our WestCare Nevada Women and Children’s Campus’ (WCC) sports court, dedicated in memory of longtime gaming attorney, lobbyist, and friend, Sean Higgins. Sean passed away in late 2020. The family, headed by his beloved wife, Lynn Higgins; daughter, Samantha; and son, Connor, set up a GoFundMe page on his behalf for WestCare. They raised over $25,000 for the WCC through small donations from hundreds of community members that respected and loved Sean.

Additional support came from his family including his mother, Lucia, and his nine brothers and sisters and many nieces and nephews, who all adored him. He spent his legal career in gaming and was general counsel for Affinity Interactive, formerly known as Herbst Gaming and Affinity Gaming. Sean was also an executive at Golden Entertainment. Being from such a large and wonderful family, he had a special heart for women and children. Now, through his memorial and this gift from his family, he will pass that love along to so many.

With the donation, we did an entire revamp and beautification of the sports and wellness court at the WCC, now known as the Sean Higgins Wellness Area. We bought brand new tables, benches, and umbrellas so that the families can get out of the heat and relax. The walking path was redone and now the women can get exercise as they stroll around the area. We put in new landscaping and trees to add shade and make it more welcoming.

The volleyball and basketball courts got complete facelifts and were repainted. The courts also received new sports equipment and we added bikes for the littles ones to enjoy. The area needed love and we are extremely grateful for this family and their continued support of WestCare over the years. The families can take pride in where they live and be able to get exercise and have a beautiful yard to continue to heal in. The entire WestCare Nevada family would like to thank the Higgins family for their act of kindness. Your contribution was a kind and generous way of supporting the lives of the women and children that are trying to rebuild their lives. Thank you for stepping forward and making a commitment to assist us in our mission of helping others find recovery!