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The WestCare Georgia Youth Academy Gives Back at the Keenagers Luncheon

  • Post category:Georgia

By Micheal Bigby, Program Director, WestCare Georgia Youth Academy Carrollton

Recently, the boys served by the WestCare Georgia Youth Academy were able to give back to the local community. They attended the Keenagers Luncheon where they were able to assist with cooking, feeding, and spending quality time with the elderly. This gave them the opportunity to learn how to interact and communicate with others as well as learn new games that were introduced by the elderly residents from back in the day! This event provided an opportunity to interact in a healthy and substance-free setting! The boys enjoyed their time and were grateful for the opportunity. The elderly residents were blessed with the presence of the boys and even wrote a letter back stating how well mannered, respectful, and impactful they were during this time! We hope to be able to spend more time with them in the future!