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Visiting IYC – Harrisburg

  • Post category:Illinois

By Melissa Valentine M.Ed., CADC, Program Coordinator

This April, some of our Chicago staff got to travel to our Illinois Youth Center (IYC) – Harrisburg site to visit! During their visit, they got the opportunity to tour the facility and learn more about the program. They were able to participate in several “Seven Challenges” groups with the youth that we serve. The Chicago and Harrisburg staff were able to share their knowledge and experience in working with justice-involved youth. They had a great time and hope to return soon!

Kudos to the Staff at IYC – Harrisburg!

In April, the youth served at Illinois Youth Center (IYC) – Harrisburg requested to have a “drug-free party.” During this party, they got food from one of their favorite restaurants, McDonald’s, tie-dyed facemasks, listened to music, and enjoyed an afternoon of prosocial activities. Many of them had never tie-dyed before and were excited to learn to design something on their own that they could wear around the facility!