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Working Together for a Brighter Holiday Season

  • Post category:Texas

By Alisa Garza, Administrative Assistant

In collaboration with Pearl Street Church, WestCare Texas hosted families from Bowden Academy as well as Eastside families from the WestCare Summer Extravaganza Camp at a special holiday event at the Ella Austin Community Center.

Many families served by WestCare Texas throughout the year do not have the means to provide gifts or have a Christmas meal with their families and friends. So, WestCare partnered with Pearl Street Church to support families who had previously reached out to WestCare Texas’ staff for resources during the Summer Extravaganza Summer Camp.

Our team coordinated invitations and provided gifts for all the families who attended. This special event focused on serving those who need resources during the holiday season. Due to this partnership, Pearl Street Church’s staff provided resources to over 20 families and 100 people. Here at WestCare Texas, we know that even though these families receive help during the summer, the support they need is year-long. Through combined resources, we continue to foster a relationship with families in need on San Antonio’s Eastside!