Get in touch with WestCare Wisconsin atĀ (414) 239-9359.
Ā Treatment & Rehabilitation
- Outpatient for Adults and Youth
Ā Mental Health & Wellness
- Outpatient for Adults and Youth
Ā Emergency Support
- Food Pantry/Assistance
Ā Education & Prevention
- Community Outreach for Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health
- Life Skills Classes
- Drug-Free Communities
- Community Engagement Center
- Neighborhood Revitalization
- Community Organization
- Risky Behaviors Prevention for Youth
- Employment Assistance
- Credible Messengers Mentoring for Youth
- Community Outreach for Crime Reduction
Ā Veteran Services
- Outpatient Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health for Veterans
Ā Domestic Violence
- Domestic Violence Emergency Housing and Support Services
WestCare Wisconsin was founded by the late Rev Dr. James White, former President/CEO of the Johnson Institute Foundation. Before joining WestCare as Regional Vice President, he assembled a talented and dedicated dream team to revive and uplift the grassroots Harambee Community Vision and Mission in Milwaukee, WI. Working full time for the first two years with little to no compensation, and little to no funding, the team was able to restore the integrity of the Vision and Mission, and prepare the school, housing programs, community outreach, and AODA services for re-launch. By joining the WestCare family as WestCare Wisconsin, Dr. White and his team recognized that the Harambee Community will now move forward and grow stronger in the years to come.
The Harambee Community Mission and Vision arose from the ashes and the aftermath of rioting in Milwaukee that erupted with the assassination of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968. After two years of praying, planning, and persevering, leaders of the area hardest hit by the riots launched an initiative to reclaim, rename, and rebuild the “Beloved Community.” They carved out their boundaries, held a naming ceremony and presented their strategic plan to the community. Harambee (Ha-Rom-Bay) is an African term in the Swahili language that is a high command for the entire community to “Work Together-Pull Together.” With the support of the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Extension Program, the Harambee Community School in 1970, the Harambee Ombudsman Project initiative in 1977, the Isaac Coggs Community Health Center in 1978, and the IMANI (e-mon-ee) Residential AODA Treatment Facility in 1991 were launched. By 1980, the community rebuilding effort was well under way. Today, 43 years later, the Harambee Community has put a troubled past behind it. Multimillion dollar commercial and residential developments, completely revitalized neighborhoods, and thriving community agencies, businesses, congregations, and educational institutions have found a home there.
The Isaac Coggs Community Health Center, named for one of the 1st African American Elected Officials to represent the area, now operates independently and has become the largest Federally Qualified Health Center FQHC in the State of Wisconsin. Dr. White and his team helped to launch a nationally acclaimed Math & Science Academy at the Harambee Community School site.
With the support of Milwaukee City Government, WestCare Wisconsin has now launched the Harambee Community Center (HCC). Through the HCC, WestCare Wisconsin serves as the lead Neighborhood Strategic Planning organization for the Historic Harambee Community, and administers housing rehabilitation and community organizing programs within the Harambee Community.
Thanks to the incredible work of the late Rev. Dr. James White, WestCare Wisconsin now proudly offers eight different programs, and is continually meeting the needs of the community they serve.
This is an equal opportunity employer/program.
Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
The Face Forward Program is an Equal Opportunity program.
Funding is provided by a grant from the Department of Labor.
Press Releases:
WestCare Wisconsin: A Veteran’s Celebration of Home Ownership
Community Organizing - NSP Area 6 [Historic Harambee C.D.B.G.]
WestCare Wisconsin operates the Harambee Community Involvement Center through CDBG funding provided by the City of Milwaukee Community Development Grants Administration; and serve as the Neighborhood Strategic Planning (NSP) lead agency for Area 6 in the 6th Aldermanic District to address the issues of public safety, property values, economic vitality and quality of life. Program activities include coordinating community events that will educate, enrich, encourage and positively engage the community. We collaborate with the City Alderwomanās office and local police department (MPD District 5) to help improve the quality of life for area residents by bridging the service gaps that exist between community needs and available resources.
Community Organizing - NSP Area 8 [Metcalfe Park Neighborhood C.D.B.G]
WestCare Wisconsin operates the organizing of this community through CDBG funding provided by the City of Milwaukee Community Development Grants Administration; and serve as the Neighborhood Strategic Planning (NSP) lead agency for Area 8 (Metcalfe Park) in the 15th Aldermanic District to address the issues of public safety, property values, economic vitality, and quality of life. Program activities include coordinating community events that will educate, enrich, encourage, and positively engage the community. We collaborate with the City Aldermanās office and local police department (MPD District 3) to help improve the quality of life for area residents by bridging the service gaps that exist between community needs and available resources.
Neighborhood Improvement Project (NIP C.D.B.G.)
The Neighborhood Improvement Project is funded by a grant from the City of Milwaukee Community Development Grants Administration; with oversight provided by the Department of Neighborhood Services (DNS). The NIP program offers financial assistance to eligible owner occupants in order to correct municipal building and safety code violations and also reduce lead-based paint hazards so that residents can remain in their homes. WestCare Wisconsin works with the DNS Inspector to assess the scope of work to be done and estimate the reasonable cost of the proposed renovation. Maintenance work includes minor carpentry, roofing, painting, lead work, gutters, window repair / replacement, etc. Mechanical work includes electrical, plumbing, heating or major masonry work.
Youth Services NSP Area 6 ā Harambee C.D.B.G.
Our youth programs are designed to address urban quality of life issues; and services offered are intended to increase skill level and readiness for employment; reduce teen/young adult unemployment; provide job placement and retention; encourage participation in continuing public safety education and campaign; and violence prevention mentoring that will help to reduce aggression and fatalities amongst teens/young adults. Collaborating with the City of Milwaukee, Milwaukee Promise Zones, Employ Milwaukee-Earn & Learn, and Milwaukee Public Schools.
E.A.T.S. Food Pantry G.M.F
Everything And Then Some (E.A.T.S.) Food Pantry at the Harambee Community Involvement Center allows for the neighbors, and other Milwaukee residents, to come and pick up an assortment of sustenance goods including fresh vegetables, fruit, other consumable items, spring water and kid-friendly snacks/ drinks for free; every Wednesday starting at 1:00 PM until everything is gone. WestCare Wisconsin operates a food distribution program, open to the public, as a community partner and active member agency with Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin.
Special Economic Development ā Contractor Capacity C.D.B.G.
The Program ensure Residents self-certify as a HUD Section 3 business and register with the HUD Section 3 Business Registry. Section 3 is the legal basis for providing jobs for residents and awarding contracts to businesses in areas receiving certain types of HUD financial assistance. Milwaukee is a vibrant development market that need more minority contractors. Contractors and non-profits are struggling to find workers in the residential sector. WC-WI is providing the technical assistance needed to bridge the gap between government and contractors. Contractors will not bear the burden alone for finding work and access to completing the work.
Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Outpatient Services Center
WestCare Wisconsin Clinical Services offer innovative holistic mental health, and alcohol and drug addiction treatment services focusing on the whole person, mind, body, and spirit. We address the individual needs of each consumer and their families; and treat each person with the dignity and respect they deserve. We offer an in-depth individual behavioral health assessment that will provide a recommended level of treatment to which we can refer individuals to the following: level of care determination (including outpatient, day treatment or residential); choice in provider selection (including recovery support services, job training programs and housing); and Opioid maintenance, treatment, and assistance. The Access Point North Assessment Center (APNAC) is designed to determine eligibility for Milwaukee County, Wiser-Choice AODA treatment, and Ancillary services, including case management, serving adults 18 to 59 years of age. We currently operate the north side APNAC.
WCWI DFC Harambee 53212
The WC-WI Harambee 53212ā¦Pulling Together for a Drug Free Communities (DFC) Coalition defines its work as: (1) to establish and strengthen partnerships and collaborations among communities, private nonprofit organizations, law enforcement agencies, and governmental entities in 53212; (2) reduce marijuana, opiate cocktail, and alcohol use among youth residing in 53212; (3) increase awareness in the 53212 community regarding the specific problems and challenges faced by the youth, and; (4) address poverty, prevention service and data gaps existing within the 53212 community.
Cream City Credible Messengers
The WestCare Wisconsin team are experienced transformative mentors who are rooted in the community and are able to connect with families, communities, and leaders to prevent and interrupt violence and respond to neighborhood / community level trauma, create space for positive youth engagement & community voice; and change agent for racial equity and policy on issues that plague the youth, families, and community. Credible Messengers are available to respond to youth dysregulation, parent/child conflict, community violence involving referred person and other situations deemed critical to the well-being and safety of the Department of Youth and Family Service supervised youth.
Jr. Youth Action Council
WestCare Wisconsin, in partnership with Bader Philanthropies, Inc. pulled together a group of young scholars, ages 11 ā 14 years old to form a Jr. Youth Action Council (Jr. YAC). The purpose of the Jr. YAC is to start mentoring as well as provide financial literacy at a much early age, pre-teen / young teen, and assist the youth with cultivating their dreams and vision. This is a 10-week summer youth leadership development program (Jun to Aug) conducted at the WestCare Wisconsin office. The summer experience empowers our youth to establish a routine of responsibility, earn a little income, learn how to best manage their money (financial literacy), as well as acquire skills to help them better understand how to navigate through puberty challenges and peer pressure.
Milwaukee Community School Partnership
WestCare Wisconsin has partnered with the United Way and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School to join the Milwaukee Community Schools Partnership (MCSP) Team! MCSP uses a collective strategy to transform schools into a place where students, families, staff, and the surrounding community can work together to ensure every student is successful. This strategy uses data to place the focus on the whole child by providing academic supports, social & emotional learning, health & wellness, family & community engagement, and a safe and supportive climate.
Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA)
WestCare Wisconsin, Inc. and the WC-WI Harambee 53212ā¦Pulling Together for a Drug Free Communities (DFC) Coalition has the capacity to provide community-based interventions, reduce the availability, accessibility, and community norms favorable to youth opioid use. WC-WI is leveraging the full resources of DFC funding, and community and health professionals through peer counseling, supportive services, youth education, SUD treatment, and pre-, post, and follow-up surveys to properly document Harambee 53212 youth ages 12 to 18. CARA will provide the opportunities to train on the Strategic Prevention Framework, historic community trauma and how it impacts substance abuse rates, Mental Health First AID, strategic planning, how to administer NARCANĀ®/(naloxone HCI) policies, evidence-based prevention strategies, and other capacity building training that will build leadership skills.
Fundamental Basketball Camp
WestCare Wisconsin is proud to announce a partnership with Northcott Neighborhood House, Milwaukee Public Schools, and ThriveOn Collaboration to present a fundamental basketball camp for young male scholars in the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. We utilize a motivational speaking mentor, Own It Mentor (Rick Polk) to speak with the young men about the court activity. The basketball camp, which is taught by Marcus Landry, a former NBA player, is held on Saturday mornings from 8 am till 11 am. The young scholars start by writing their thoughts in a journal. Own It Mentor (Rick) conduct sessions with the scholars at least three times weekly to discuss school, home, and other court activities. Marcus coach and teach them plays such as take out the trash, wash the dishes, make up your bed, basic routines to help them relate to real life activities.
Harambee Community Center
P.O. Box 12629
335 West Wright Street
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53212
TEL: (414) 239-9359
FAX: (414) 372-4523
Senator Spencer Coggs, Chair
Theresa Garrison
Ashanti Hamilton
Freida Webb
Michael A. Beal
Travis Landry, Regional Vice President
335 W. Wright St.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53212-2729
Phone: (414) 323-0185 ext. 80105
Reshar Allen, LST Prevention Specialist
335 W. Wright St.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53212-2729
Phone: (414) 343-9814 ext. 80103
Geletta Ball, Assessment Counselor
2821 N Vel R. Phillips STE 210
Phone: (414) 263-6000 ext. 80303
Dr. Yvonne Bell-Gooden, Mental Health Counselor
2821 N Vel R. Phillips STE 210
Phone: (414) 263-6000 ext. 80304
Tennisha Choice, Administrative Coordinator
335 W. Wright St.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53212-2729
Phone: (414) 347-1902 ext. 80100
Markeda Williams, DFC Program Director
335 W. Wright St.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53212-2729
Phone: (414) 514-0779 ext. 80108
Felicia Ferguson, CBCR Program Director
335 W. Wright St.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53212-2729
Phone: (414) 510-0922 ext. 80110
Glen Fleming, Assessment Supervisor
2821 N Vel R. Phillips STE 210
Phone: (414) 263-6000 etx. 80302
Dr. Mark Fossie, Clinical Director
2821 N Vel R. Phillips STE 210
Phone: (414) 263-6000 ext. 80301
Sheila Kitchens, Administrative Assistant
2821 N Vel R. Phillips STE 210
Phone: (414) 263-6000
Dillan Love, Youth Services Specialist
335 W. Wright St.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53212-2729
Dawnesha Robinson, Research Assistant - DFC Program
335 W. Wright St.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53212-2729
Phone: (414) 345-7664 ext. 80108
Audrey Wilson, Food Pantry Coordinator
335 W. Wright St.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53212-2729
Shamari Tripp, Research Assistant - CBCR / SAMHSA
335 W. Wright St.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53212-2729
Phone: (414) 345-8213 ext. 80107
Carolyn Walker, Assessment Counselor
2821 N Vel R. Phillips STE 210
Phone: (414) 263-6000 ext. 80305
Sabrina Washington, Assessment Counselor
2821 N Vel R. Phillips STE 210
Phone: (414) 263-6000
Lashonda Good, Community Organizer - NSP 8
335 W. Wright St.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53212-2729
Phone: (414) 374-6765 ext. 80100
Angela Wigley, Community-School Coordinator - MLK
335 W. Wright St.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53212-2729
Dominique Williams, CCCM Prevention Specialist / Mentor
335 W. Wright St.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53212-2729
Phone: (414) 255-6414 ext. 80100
Felicia Williams, LST Program Director
335 W. Wright St.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53212-2729
Phone: (414) 208-9847 ext. 80102
WestCare Wisconsin's "Love Up, Lock Down" campaign, a project organized by their Youth Advisory Council, is helping spread the word about gun safety and distributing free gun locks.
- Fox 6 News: "Protect your guns:" City of Milwaukee giving away 300 free gun safety locks
- WISN ABC News: Milwaukee partnership offers free gun trigger locks
- WDJT CBS News: Free Gun Locks in Milwaukee
WestCare Wisconsin is working with Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority to help veterans buy homes.