Get in touch with WestCare California at (559) 251-4800.
Treatment & Rehabilitation
- Residential for Men, Women, Men & Children and Women & Children
- Withdrawal Management for Men (Detox)
- Outpatient and Intensive Outpatient for Adults, Youth
- Medication Assisted Treatment for Adults
- Recovery Residence for Men and Women
Mental Health & Wellness
- Outpatient Mental Health for Adults
Emergency Support
- Crisis Support Services
- Mobile Response Team
- Emergency Housing
- Supportive Overnight Services
- Food Pantry/Assistance
Housing Opportunities
- Rapid Rehousing Rental Assistance
- Permanent Supportive Housing
- Permanent Housing for those living with HIV/AIDS
- Housing Stability Case Management
- Furnishings for newly housed individuals and families
Education & Prevention
- HIV Testing
- Community Outreach for Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health
- Health & Wellness Center – Life Skills Education
- Risky Behavior Prevention for Youth
- Celebrating Families! Family Education
- Street Outreach & Housing Navigation
- Homeless Prevention
- Homeless Disability Advocacy
Veteran Services
- Supportive Services for Veterans Families (SSVF) – Case Management, Temporary Financial Assistance, Assistance in Obtaining VA benefits
- Staff Sergeant Parker Gordon Fox Suicide Prevention Grant Program (SSG Fox SPGP)
Criminal Justice
- Transitional Housing
- Rapid Rehousing
- Homeless Prevention
- Employment Assistance
- Vocational Training
- Offender Re-Entry, Men and Women’s Transitional Housing
- Justice Involved Case Management Services
- Crime Reduction, Jail Diversion Services
For over 50 years, WestCare California has been providing an opportunity for individuals to lead fuller, richer lives. Our team of multi-cultural, experienced and credentialed staff is dedicated to providing the best care to everyone who enters our doors. Our goal is to Uplift the Human Spirit by providing the skills and support necessary for individuals to achieve their dreams and transform their lives.
Dedicated to working in partnership with the communities and agencies we serve, our philosophy is to empower everyone who comes into contact with us to engage in a process of healing, growth and change that will benefit them, their families, their coworkers and their communities.
WestCare provides a wide spectrum of health and human services in both residential and outpatient environments. Our Service Domains include:
Mental Health & Wellness: WestCare strives to provide mental health/co-occurring services and wellness planning to the clients we serve. Programs include but are not limited to: Crisis Psychiatric Response Services (CPRS) whom provides afterhours mental health assessments for involuntary treatment to residents of Madera County, The Living Room who is dedicated to the well-being of persons infected, affected or at risk of HIV/AIDS, Behavioral Education And Treatment (BEAT) who aims to lessen the link between addiction and the contraction of HIV/AIDS through substance abuse treatment and supportive services and Supportive Overnight Stay (SOS), whom provides clients who present at area Emergency Departments for mental health crisis but don’t meet criteria for an involuntary hold a safe place to stay overnight while linking them to mental health treatment and follow-up case management, groups and supportive services through the SOS Specialty Mental Health Clinic for up to 180 days if on active placement.
Treatment & Rehabilitation: WestCare California is dedicated to changing the lives of individuals in need of substance abuse or co-occurring treatment. Through our adult residential and outpatient services in both Fresno and Bakersfield, as well as our Adolescent Services outpatient programs in Hanford and Corcoran, we are able to provide individual and group counseling, education classes, relapse prevention, job assistance and family support services. An additional residential program is available to men residing in Contra Costa County by way of our Richmond Health and Wellness Center. Short term mental health counseling is available to participants in our Fresno adult residential and outpatient substance use treatment programs as needed. We also offer recovery residences for men and women in Fresno who lack a safe or substance-free environment to reside in within the community and/or who are at risk of becoming homeless. For those in need of detox, our MLK Residential program in Fresno and Richmond Health and Wellness Center in Richmond, each offer their own withdrawal management services.
Veteran’s Services: WestCare California’s San Joaquin Valley Veterans (SJVV) program treats veterans with both honor and dignity and empowers them to change their lives one simple step at a time. With transitional living facilities for men and women with or without children and drop-in locations in Fresno, Hanford, Merced and Stockton offering case management, housing services, advocacy, job assistance, supportive services and referrals—SJVV makes it their mission to give back to those who have already given so much.
Criminal Justice: WestCare California operates numerous criminal justice programs such as the Specialized Treatment for Optimized Programming (STOP) for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) in Program Areas 1 and 3. This program provides case management services for parolees with a substance use disorder through placement and referral to community treatment services. Our Day Reporting Center (DRC) program aims to prevent recidivism among parolees and serves as a drop-in location to attend groups, job search, gain vocational experience through our road crew partnership with California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and receive referrals and assistance with obtaining their GED. In Stockton and San Diego, we are proud to offer our Female Community Reentry Programs for female offenders with up to two years left on their sentence, who are able to finish their term while living at one the two respective facilities within the community as they work to lay the foundation for self-sustainability following their incarceration. We believe people are capable of change and seek to motivate and Uplift the Human Spirit in every person we touch.
Housing Opportunities: WestCare California focuses on providing critical and quality services to assist individuals and/or families to quickly regain stability in permanent housing after experiencing a housing crisis or homelessness. Programs such as Project Unite, Home Sweet Home, Anthem Outreach/Assessment and Project LiftOFF provide housing and address the multiple needs of homeless adults and their children. Our Homeless Disability Advocacy Program (HDAP) works with disabled individuals who are experiencing homelessness to apply and obtain disability benefits as well as supportive housing. Support services are provided by the Day 1 Families Fund, Home Safe, Warm Handoff and Opening Doors to Housing and Wellness programs to link individuals at risk of or experiencing homelessness. Through the use of the Coordinated Entry System (CES), our staff track information for our individuals served and use it as a road map for placement into permanent supportive housing by our Rapid Solutions (Diversion), Navigation, HUD CES and ESG Map grants. WestCare uses the Housing First Model which has proven that homeless and at-risk individuals are more responsive to interventions and social services support after they are housed, rather than as a precondition of housing.
Education & Prevention: WestCare California utilizes a variety of community, grassroots and innovative outreach efforts to increase community education on a variety of health, recovery and social issues. Our goal is to provide education to the communities we serve in order to empower them to prevent alcohol and drug use, reduce harmful behaviors and learn more about preventable health concerns. Our experts in their field are also available for public presentations or as part of our Speaker’s Bureau.
Mental Health & Wellness
- Supportive Overnight Stay (SOS) - Fresno/MLK Residential
- Supportive Overnight Stay (SOS) Specialty Mental Health Clinic - Fresno
- Crisis Psychiatric Response Services (CPRS) - Madera
Treatment & Rehabilitation
- Men's Residential – Fresno/MLK Residential
- Women's Residential – Fresno/MLK Residential
- M'ella: Residential Treatment for Mothers and Children – Fresno/MLK Residential
- Papa Natal: Residential Treatment for Fathers and Children – Fresno/MLK Residential
- Liberty Plaza: Women's Recovery Residence – Fresno
- McKinney Plaza: Men's Recovery Residence – Fresno
- Admissions – Belmont Health & Wellness/Fresno
- Adult Outpatient – Fresno/Belmont Health & Wellness
- Adult Intensive Outpatient – Fresno/Belmont Health & Wellness
- Project Hope – Fresno City College
- Richmond Health and Wellness Center - Richmond
- Men's Residential – Bakersfield
- Adult Outpatient – Bakersfield
- Kings County Adolescent Services
- Hanford Main Office - Hanford
- Hanford West High School - Hanford
- Earl F. Johnson High School - Hanford
- John Muir Middle School – Corcoran
- Sierra Pacific High School - Hanford
- Kings Lake Education Center – Corcoran
- Youth & Family TREE – Hanford
- OUR WestCare Matters: Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) – Fresno
- Adult Outpatient - Fresno/Holy Cross Health & Wellness Center
- Bakersfield Recovery Residence – Bakersfield
All residential and outpatient treatment programs are licensed and/or certified by the State Department of Health Care Services:
For information on our licensure/certification status, please visit the above link, click "CSV" and search for "WestCare".
For more information on facilities and programs that have their license or certification revoked, temporarily suspended, are on probation, or have been notified of operation in violation of law, visit:
Veteran Services
- San Joaquin Valley Veterans – Fresno
- Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) – At Fresno, Hanford, Merced and Stockton Offices
- HomeFront Grant-Per-Diem Transitional Living Facility – Fresno
- Veterans Plaza Grant-Per-Diem Transitional Living Facility – Fresno
- Veterans Vons to Work Program (VVWP) – Veterans Plaza/Fresno
- Renaissance at Parc Grove – Fresno/Parc Grove Commons
- San Joaquin Valley Veterans – Hanford
- San Joaquin Valley Veterans - Merced
- San Joaquin Valley Veterans – Stockton
- Operation MOVE – SJVV Stockton Office
- SSG Fox Hope & Wellness Program – Merced
Criminal Justice
- Day Reporting Center – Belmont Health & Wellness/Fresno
- Second Chance – Belmont Health & Wellness/Fresno
- STOP Area 3: Criminal Justice Case Management – Fresno
- STOP Area 3: Criminal Justice Case Management – Bakersfield Residential
- STOP Area 3: Criminal Justice Case Management – Stockton/SJVV Stockton
- AB-109 Strong Bridges Program – Bakersfield Residential
- STOP Area 1: Criminal Justice Case Management – Chico
- STOP Area 1: Criminal Justice Case Management – North Highlands
- Female Community Reentry Program (FCRP) - San Diego
- Female Community Reentry Program (FCRP) - Stockton
Housing Opportunities
- Home Safe – Fresno/Administration
- Project Unite – Fresno/Administration
- Homeless Disability Advocacy Program (HDAP) – Fresno/Administration
- HEAP and CESH Homeless Services – Fresno/Administration
- Project LiftOff – Fresno/Administration
- Opening Doors to Housing and Wellness – Fresno/Administration
- Warm Handoff - Fresno/Administration
- Rapid Solutions (Diversion) - Fresno/Administration
- ESG Map - Fresno/Administration
- HUD CES - Fresno/Administration
- Home Sweet Home - Fresno/The Hacienda
- Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) – Fresno/The Living Room
- Anthem Navigation
- Anthem PSH (Permanent Supportive Housing)
- Day 1 Families Fund
Education & Prevention
- Behavioral Education And Treatment (BEAT) - Fresno
- The Living Room - Fresno
Administrative Office
Physical Address:
1900 N. Gateway Blvd.
Fresno, CA 93727
Phone: (559) 251-4800
Fax: (559) 453-7827
- Management
- Administrative Support
- Human Resources
- Accounting/Billing
- Contract Compliance
- Operations
- IT Support
- Marketing/Media/Procurement
- Creative Services
- Grant Writing
Martin Luther King Campus
Physical Address:
2772 S. MLK Blvd.
Fresno, CA 93706
Phone: (559) 265-4800
Fax: (559) 265-4823
- Men's/Women's Short Term Residential
- Men's/Women's Long-Term Residential
- Residential Treatment Program for Women and Children: M'ella
- Residential Treatment Program for Men and Children: Papa Natal
- STOP: Treatment Placement
- Withdrawal Management
Martin Luther King Campus is licensed and certified by the State Department of Health Care Services:
For information on our licensure/certification status, please visit the above link, click "CSV" and search for "WestCare".
Fresno - STOP Area 3
Physical Address:
1850 North Gateway Blvd., Ste 112
Fresno, CA 93727
Phone: (559) 214-0264
Fax: (559) 455-5980
- Serving Fresno, Madera, Alpine, Amador, Calaveras, Mariposa, Merced, Mono, Tulare (Split with Bakersfield office) and Tuolumne Counties
- Case Management
- Treatment Placement in Residential, Outpatient and Sober Living
- Domestic Violence, Education, Vocational Training
- Pre-employment, Job Placement Services
- Transportation From Prison to Treatment Providers
Supportive Overnight Stay Program (SOS)
Physical Address:
2772 S. MLK Blvd.
Fresno, CA 93706
Phone: (559) 512-6802
Fax: (559) 444-1994
- Provide a safe, supportive environment to spend the night for individuals who arrive at an ER with a mental health condition needing services that don't require a legal hold
- Case Management and transportation to ensure client engagement with outpatient mental health services.
- Linkages to outpatient mental health programs and supportive services such as housing, food stamps, general assistance, and SSI
SOS Specialty Mental Health Clinic
Physical Address:
3636 N. First Street, Suite 123
Fresno, CA 93726
Phone: (559) 512-6802
Fax: (559) 721-2038
- Provides a supportive drop-in environment for individuals who have been referred by ER departments with a mental health condition needing services that don't require a legal hold
- Case Management and support groups
- Linkages to outpatient mental health programs and supportive services such as housing, food stamps, general assistance, and SSI
Belmont Health & Wellness
Physical Address:
611 E. Belmont
Fresno, CA 93701
Phone: (559) 237-3420
Fax: (559) 485-7244
- Admissions
- Adult Outpatient Program
- Adult Intensive Outpatient Program
- Day Reporting Center (DRC)
- Second Chance
- Contacts for Recovery Residences
Belmont Health and Wellness is certified by the State Department of Health Care Services:
For information on our licensure/certification status, please visit the above link, click "CSV" and search for "WestCare".
The Living Room
Physical Address:
1850 N. Gateway Blvd., Suite 100
Fresno, CA 93727
Phone: (559) 486-1469
Fax: (559) 486-1910
- Case Management
- Client advocacy
- Drop-In services and free/confidential HIV/Hep C testing
- Food Pantry/Hot Meals Program
- Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA)
- Linkage to Medical Care
- Opioid Education and Naloxone Distribution (OEND) Program
San Joaquin Valley Veterans (SJVV Fresno)
Physical Address:
1850 N. Gateway Blvd., Suite 154
Fresno, CA 93727
Phone: (559) 255-8838
Fax: (559) 452-8107
- Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) in Fresno and Madera Counties
- Case Management
- Outreach
- Drop-In Services: Clothing Vouchers, Computer Access for Job Searching, Snacks, and Educational Classes
- Legal assistance
- Housing counseling services and placement assistance
- Financial planning services
- Financial assistance for move-in
- Eviction prevention
- Utilities
- Transportation
- Childcare and emergency supplies
Physical Address:
3636 E. Eugenia
Fresno, CA 93725
Phone: (559) 266-1169
Fax: (866) 279-6328
- Transitional housing for female Veterans with/without children for up to two years
- Case Management
- Bridge Housing
Veterans Plaza
Physical Address:
119 N. Calaveras
Fresno, CA 93701
Phone: (559) 241-8751
Fax: (559) 268-6962
- Transitional housing for male Veterans for up to two years
- Case Management
- Veterans Safeway to Work Program (VSWP)
- Bridge Housing
Liberty Plaza
Physical Address:
4605 E. Liberty
Fresno, CA 93702
Phone: (559) 237-3420, ext. 20367
- Sober Living for Women
McKinney Plaza
Physical Address:
1388 & 1398 E. Bulldog Lane
Fresno, CA 93710
Phone: (559) 237-3420, ext. 20367
- Sober Living for Men
Housing Services
Physical Address:
1900 N. Gateway Blvd., Ste 158
Fresno, CA 93727
Phone: (559) 241-8753 ext. 21230
Fax: (559) 453-7827
- Assistance with supportive housing to families who are currently or chronically homeless
- Housing programs to assist individuals and families with or without disabilities
- Project LiftOFF
- Home Safe
- Project Unite
- Homeless Disability Advocacy Program (HDAP)
- Warm Handoff
- Rapid Solutions
- Navigation Services
- Home Sweet Home
- Openings Doors to Housing and Wellness
- Anthem Navigation
- Anthem PSH (Permanent Supportive Housing)
- Day 1 Families Fund
Bakersfield - H Street Campus
Physical Address:
2901 S. H Street
Bakersfield, CA 93304
Phone: (661) 398-4303
Fax: (661) 398-4306
- Men's Long Term Residential
- Adult Outpatient Program
- AB-109 Strong Bridges: Case management in and out of custody to ensure client engagement with treatment services
- STOP: Treatment Placement, Case Management, Pre-employment, Job Placement Services and Transportation from Prison to Treatment Providers
Bakersfield – H Street Campus is licensed and certified by the State Department of Health Care Services:
For information on our licensure/certification status, please visit the above link, click "CSV" and search for "WestCare".
Bakersfield - STOP Area 3
Physical Address:
2901 S. H Street
Bakersfield, CA 93304
Phone: (661) 326-0485
Fax: (661) 326-1455
- Serving Kern, Inyo, Tulare (Split with Fresno Office) and Kings Counties
- Treatment Placement
- Case Management
- Pre-Employment and Job Placement Services
- Transportation From Prison to Treatment Providers
Crisis Psychiatric Response Services
Physical Address:
2725 Falcon Drive
Madera, CA 93637
Phone: (559) 673-3508
- Mobile Emergency Department Response Services
- Mental Health Services, Crisis Intervention, Wellness Planning, Discharge Planning
- Consumer Centered and Team Based Interventions
- Service coordination to adults and older adults receiving services from designated hospital emergency departments within Madera County who are deemed appropriate for an assessment for involuntary psychiatric treatment pursuant to California Welfare and Institutions Code Section 5150
WestCare Adolescent Services
Physical Address:
410 E. 7th Street
Hanford, CA 93230
Phone: (559) 584-8100
Satellite School Sites:
Sierra Pacific High School
1259 N. 13th Ave, Room 211A
Hanford, CA 93230
Earl F. Johnson High School
1201 N. Douty Ave., Room 5 or 7
Hanford, CA 93230
Hanford West Campus High School
1150 W. Lacy Blvd., Room 403
Hanford, CA 93230
Kings Lake Education Center
1128 S. Dairy Ave., Room 7
Corcoran, CA 93212
- Adolescent Outpatient Drug-Free Program
Hanford Adolescent Services is certified by the State Department of Health Care Services:
For information on our licensure/certification status, please visit the above link, click "CSV" and search for "WestCare".
San Joaquin Valley Veterans (SJVV Tulare)
Physical Address:
1384 E. Tulare Ave.
Tulare, CA 93274
Phone: (559) 510-6300
Fax: (559) 585-2008
- Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) in Kings and Tulare Counties
San Joaquin Valley Veterans (SJVV Merced)
Physical Address:
2995 R. Street, Suite 103
Merced, CA 95348
Phone: (209) 233-3550
- Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) in Merced County
Female Community Reentry Program (FCRP) - Stockton
Physical Address:
1609 N. Wilson Way
Stockton, CA 95205
Phone: (209) 642-8488
Fax: (209) 851-3852
- Provides services to up to 50 female offenders who have a minimum of 45 days and a maximum of 2 years left on their sentence to assist with re-entry back into their community rather than in an institution
- Domestic violence and substance abuse classes
- Development of educational and vocational skills
- Links to healthcare and education
- Family reunification and payment of restitution
San Joaquin Valley Veterans (SJVV Stockton)
Physical Address:
2291 W. March Lane, Suite B-105
Stockton, CA 93727
Phone: (209) 662-6073
Fax: (209) 227-8529
- Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) in San Joaquin and Stanislaus Counties
- Operation MOVE (Mobile Outreach for Veteran Eligibility)
Stockton - STOP Area 3
Physical Address:
2291 W. Match Lane, Suite C-100
Stockton, CA 95207
Phone: (209) 662-6073
Fax: (209) 323-6798
- Serving San Joaquin County
- Case Management
- Treatment Placement in Residential, Outpatient and Sober Living
- Domestic Violence, Education, Vocational Training
- Pre-employment, Job Placement Services
- Transportation From Prison to Treatment Providers
North Highlands - STOP Area 1
Physical Address:
4616 Roseville Rd., Suite 107
North Highlands, CA 95660
Phone: (916) 564-4400
Fax: (916) 564-4424
- Serving Del Norte, Siskyou, Modoc, Humbolt, Trinity, Shasta, Lassen, Mendocino, Tehema, Plumas, Butte, Glenn, Sierra, Lake, Colusa, Sutter, Yuba, Nevada, Placer, Yolo, El Dorado, and Sacramento Counties
- Case Management
- Treatment placement in residential, outpatient, and sober living
- Domestic violence, education, vocational training
- Pre-employment, job placement services
- Transportation from prison to treatment providers
Chico - STOP Area 1
Physical Address:
2585 Ceanothus Ave., Ste. 170
Chico, CA 95973
Phone: (530) 830-1180
Fax: (530) 636-4496
- Serving Del Norte, Siskyou, Modoc, Humbolt, Trinity, Shasta, Lassen, Mendocino, Tehema, Plumas, Butte, Glenn, Sierra, Lake, Colusa, Sutter, Yuba, Nevada, Placer, Yolo, El Dorado, and Sacramento Counties
- Case Management
- Treatment placement in residential, outpatient, and sober living
- Domestic violence, education, vocational training
- Pre-employment, job placement services
- Transportation from prison to treatment providers
Richmond Health and Wellness Center
Physical Address:
208 23rd St.
Richmond, CA 94804
Phone: (510) 216-4601
- Serving Contra Costa County
- Residential substance abuse treatment for up to 90 days
- Detoxification services between 1 to 14 days
- Individual sessions with a Licensed Practitioner of Healing Arts (LPHA)
- Case management
- Educational, social, housing and vocational services
- Direct referrals to mental health and physical health care services provided by Contra Costa County
Richmond Health and Wellness Center is licensed and certified by the State Department of Health Care Services:
For information on our licensure/certification status, please visit the above link, click "CSV" and search for "WestCare".
Female Community Reentry Program (FCRP) - San Diego
Physical Address:
3050 Armstrong St.
San Diego, CA 92111
Phone: (619) 359-8266
Fax: (858) 278-2387
- Provides services to up to 112 female offenders who have a minimum of 45 days and a maximum of 2 years left on their sentence to assist with re-entry back into their community rather than in an institution
- Domestic violence and substance abuse classes
- Development of educational and vocational skills
- Links to healthcare and education
- Family reunification and payment of restitution
Administration & Leadership
Shawn Jenkins, Chief Operating Officer - Western Region
Phone: (559) 251-4800, ext. 20902
Gabriela Swartwood, Vice President of Marketing and Communications - WestCare Foundation
Phone: (559) 251-4800, ext. 20917
Herbert Cruz, M.D., Medical Director
Phone: (559) 251-4800, ext. 20915
Mary Ann Knoy, Vice President
Phone: (559) 251-4800, ext. 21236
Jenny Gonzalez, Vice President
Phone: (559) 251-4800, ext. 20940
David Daniel, Deputy Administrator
Phone: (559) 476-9333
Maria Rodriguez, Deputy Administrator
Phone: (559) 265-4800, ext. 21230
Robert Church, Deputy Administrator
Phone: (559) 251-4800, ext. 20903
Edward Crossman, Clinical Director
Phone: (559) 251-4800, ext. 20918
Mardi Palacios, Executive Administrative Assistant
Phone: (559) 251-4800, ext. 20907
Jitin Brar, Director of Data and Information Technology
Phone: (559) 214-0264, ext. 20198
Michelle Allen, Director of Contract Compliance
Phone: (559) 251-4800, ext. 20922
Sherri Buchanan, Training Director
Phone: (559) 265-4800, ext. 20196
Alicia Ledesma, Authorization and Reconciliation Specialist
Phone: (559) 251-4800, ext. 20904
Ciana Torres, Director of Media and Public Relations
Phone: (559) 488-9918
Anthony Valdez, Director of CA Operations
Phone: (559) 288-1977
Brittany Sosa, Community Relations Manager
Phone: (559) 218-2865
Alberto Ramirez, Administrative Coordinator
Phone: (559) 832-2054
Nou Her, Marketing Manager
Phone: (559) 801-3114
CalAim Services
Anthony Urbano, Program Director - CalAIM Services
Phone: (559) 259-9860
Criminal Justice Services
Randi Ruble, Program Director - Female Community Reentry Program (San Diego)
Phone: (619) 895-0231
Derrick Bressel, Program Director - Day Reporting Center and Recovery Residences
Phone: (559) 237-3420, ext. 20367
Christina Cecil, Program Director - Female Community Reentry Program (Stockton)
Phone: (209) 642-8448, ext. 21402
Larry Sanchez, Program Director - STOP Area 1
Phone: (916) 564-4400, ext. 20415
Donald Smith, Program Director - STOP Area 3
Phone: (559) 214-0264, ext. 20109
Education & Prevention
Ashley Morris, Education & Prevention Director
Phone: (559) 348-8009
Housing Opportunities
Robert Marquez, Director of Housing Supports
Phone: (559) 251-4800, ext. 21233
Stephanie Perez, Director of Housing Services
Phone: (559) 284-7030
Mental Health & Wellness
Domenica Jimenez, Program Supervisor - Support Overnight Stay
Phone: (559) 512-6802, ext. 20504
Treatment & Rehabilitation
Marina Herrera, Program Director – Admissions, Adult Outpatient
Phone: (559) 237-3420, ext. 20322
Robert Church, Interim Program Director – Residential (Bakersfield)
Phone: (559) 251-4800, ext. 20903
Jenny Magdaleno, Program Director - Residential Services (Fresno)
Phone: (559) 265-4800, ext. 20149
Sara Florez, Program Director – Adolescent Services
Phone: (559) 584-8100
Jeannette Sawyers, FNP, Nurse Practitioner – MAT PDOA
Phone: (559) 251-4800
Melissa Robinson, Program Director - Richmond Health and Wellness Center
Phone: (510) 216-4601, ext. 21504
Veteran Services
Beverly Novella, Program Director - Veteran Services
Phone: (559) 255-8838, ext. 20551
WestCare California, Inc.
WestCare California, Inc. operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, and national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. Any person who believes she or he has been aggrieved by any unlawful discriminatory practice under Title VI may file a complaint with WestCare California, Inc.
For more information on WestCare California, Inc. civil rights program, and the procedures to file a complaint, contact (559) 251-4800, or visit our administrative office at 1900 N Gateway Blvd., Suite 100, Fresno, CA 93727.
A complainant may file a complaint directly with the Federal Transit Administration by filing a complaint with the Office of Civil Rights, Attention: Title VI Program Coordinator, East Building, 5th Floor-TCR, 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE, Washington, DC 20590
If information is needed in another language, contact (559) 251-4800.
WestCare California, Inc opera sus programas y servicios sin importar raza, color, y origen nacional en acuerdo con el Título VI del Acta de Derechos Civiles. Cualquier persona que cree a ver sido víctima de discriminación bajo el Título VI puede presentar una queja con WestCare California, Inc.
Para obtener más información sobre programas de derechos civiles de WestCare California, Inc, y los procedimientos para presentar una queja, llame al (559) 251-4800, o visite nuestra oficina administrativa en 1900 N Gateway Blvd., Suite 100, Fresno, CA 93727.
El demandante tiene derecho a presentar la queja directamente con la Administración Federal de Transito (FTA) en la siguiente dirección: Office of Civil Rights: Title VI Program Coordinator, East Building, 5th Floor-TCR, 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE, Washington, DC 20590.
Si necesita información en otro idioma, llame at (559) 251-4800.
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