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Ladies Beautify the Davis Bradley CIC with a Symbolic Message!

  • Post category:Florida

By Jack Shaw, Residential Program Director

The female clients at the Davis Bradley Community Involvement Center (CIC) have been keeping busy adding color to their part of the building. Two of our more artistic ladies, Donnalee B. and Lauren R., have painted murals and uplifting slogans on the hallway walls.

The tree, beehive, and rainbow mural with bees symbolizes new clients entering the community from the left, joining the beehive, and following the rainbow at the end of the program to the flowers outside. The sunset over the water symbolizes their sisters lost to addiction with a challenge to “Change the Statistics.”

They are also providing color outside with planting and maintaining the landscape at both the visitors’ entrance and courtyard area, going so far as painting ladybugs and flowers on the ashtrays! We now also have an actual sidewalk and grass leading to the rec area which had been dirt and tree roots for years! Thank you all for sharing your time, talents, and passion!