By Maureen Dunleavy, LMHC, Regional Vice President – WestCare Florida – Guidance/Care Center
It is with much gratitude and admiration that I announce the retirement of Deborah Matthews, LMHC, Clinical Coordinator of Children & Child Welfare Services.
Deb has spent a lifetime serving the youth and families of Monroe County with thirty-two and a half years of service to the Guidance/Care Center, Inc.
Deb will spend the next nine months moving towards full-time retirement, but will remain on staff part-time to assist with child welfare programs and in a consultative role to her successor.
Deb Matthew’s commitment to children’s services predates her time at WestCare and the G/CC. When she lived in Miami and worked for the Dade/Monroe Mental Health Board, one of her duties was overseeing, planning and implementation of children’s services in both counties. In 1998, several years after moving to the Keys, she was hired by the Guidance Clinic of the Middle Keys (Early G/CC before we became a part of WestCare) to be a Life Skills Counselor at Marathon High School. She remained in that position for twenty-one years and pursued a master’s degree and licensure as an LMHC. Deb was then promoted to the Clinical Coordinator for Children’s Services position. She has been very proud to serve in this position and our services have expanded dramatically during her tenure. Deb Matthews said that working in this capacity has been her dream job and that she has dedicated a lifetime doing it! We plan to honor Deb in her transition as we are indebted to the services that she has provided to this community.