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“I couldn’t do it alone.” Justin’s Recovery Progress

  • Post category:Nevada

After Justin S.’s parents divorced, his father passed away from an overdose and he went out into the streets, going in and out of jail, living a life filled with adversity.

“I knew about recovery,” Justin said, “but I couldn’t do it alone.”

Harris Spring Ranch (HSR), located in Nevada, is one of WestCare’s longest-running programs with over 40 years of serving the community and saving lives just like Justin’s. Located in a residential ranch-style setting near Mount Charleston, the program and location provide men with the opportunity to begin their recovery.

“The biggest thing that sets it apart from other treatment facilities in the Las Vegas area is the location,” said Edgar Salcedo, Program Director of Harris Spring Ranch. “They [the clients] get to get away from the city, especially in Las Vegas where there’s liquor stores and drugs at every corner, really. Here, they are away from that and can really focus on themselves.”

Having been in the program, Justin said that he really found home and has a chance to focus on himself. “I can see there’s a better life out there for me.”

While at Harris Spring Ranch, he journals every day to his family. Once he leaves the program, he wants to serve and give back to the community. He wants to show others that there is more to life. “Your recovery comes before anybody,” he said. “You have to stay in the right mind to be there for other people.”

Justin’s recovery progress and story is possible because of support from our dedicated staff and community. You can view his full testimonial in the video below or on YouTube.

To support programs like HSR and impact the lives while Uplifting the Human Spirit of those who come into our care, visit WestCare Nevada’s website HERE to see how you can be part of saving lives.

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