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Recovery is Possible

  • Post category:Puerto Rico

By Elizabeth Roldan, Administrative Assistant 

There are no words to express the pride that we feel every time one of our clients has the determination to move forward and show that recovery is possible. An example of this is Hipólito S., who came to Guara Bi more than six years ago looking for housing services and help for his substance use problem. His recovery process was arduous and full of both emotional and physical stumbles – especially after an accident he suffered. But, that is in the past because today, we want to highlight his achievements. Hipólito managed to settle in his own home, complete a technical course in barbering, and graduate with honors in culinary arts from the Instituto de Banca y Commercio. This is not all, Hipólito is already pursuing an associate degree with the goal of becoming a culinary arts professor. He spends his free time advising, motivating, and helping other clients. During Recovery Month, Hipólito reminds us that he is an example of overcoming obstacles and confirms once again that recovery is possible!