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Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association Visits VETcare

  • Post category:Oregon

By Chanel Harris, CTI Manager

Last month, we received a visit from an amazing motorcycle group, Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association (CVMA)!

The Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association (CVMA) is a motorcycle association made up of Veterans from all military branches. Altogether, there are various chapters across the United States.

Chapter 4, in particular, visited our facility and have generously sponsored a room this upcoming year. We even gave them a tour of our facility to provide more insight of the social services and opportunities that we provide for our Veterans.

The motorcycle association’s mission is to help Veteran care facilities provide warm meals, clothing, shelter and guidance for our Veterans who have lost their way.

Once again, we would like to thank them so much for stopping by. We are super grateful and thrilled to be working with such an amazing association that is willing to give back to our community in the best way possible.

We hope to help instill your mission just as much as you have helped us.